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video review on barcampcologne2 & general notes

I liked the following video created by the “Elektrischer Reporter” so much that I decided to post it on my blog, ignoring the fact I didn’t attend this event. But also the facts and figures mentioned in it are quite overwhelming and interesting and amazing.



I summarized some of them for those who are lost with the German language!BarCamp | FooCamp (friends of Oreilly: Tim O’Reilly is the inventor) “foo” also is considered as a wild-card/placeholder within different programming languages.The informal and unforced get together characteristic of BarCamps make people just loving these type of un-conferences.Meeting very nice people who have the same intention to share KNOWLEDGE on a wide variety of political, social and technical internet aspects. There isn’t any stupid questions who can be asked. I talk on my own experience when I first started visiting the so called grassroot-events of the web 2.0 movement. Further, it amazes me how much you can learn from each other by having a nice weekend while listen to panels and discussions. Just dive into new internet issues get a hint what people do in their spare time, what people are amazed or just thinking about, get to meet new people become friends enjoy learning and just keep asking. It reminds me on the Seasam Street and its theme song. “wer, wie, was, – wieso, weshalb, warum – wer nicht fragt bleibt dumm!” (a bad translation: Who, how, why, wherefore and where – if you don’t ask you stay dumb!”) Here you get a taste of Seasam Street and how “people”help each other!



Ok let’s focus on the topic of this article again. People just get crazy about barcamps, that 8 hour after publishing the announcement of registration start already 150 people were registered. If you go to this events to are supposed to take part in an active way. Present or talk about a product, help with the organization, help with blogging about the event or recording panels in audio or video format. It is free of costs for you as a participant. Companies like Thoughtworks, QSC, O’Reilly and a lot of others are supporting the barcampings while are sponsoring the venue facilities, W-lan and other amenities like food & drinks. Thanks! So far, the concept and the intention of barcamps seem really to work out. One of the reasons those barcamps came up was the intention to find an alternative way of participation at conferences and and events. “Professional” conferences like T20, SES Chicago 07 or the Web2.0 EXPO in Berlin are not affordable for students and non-millionaire normal working people. Since barcamps came up they got an alternative and they don’t have to spend tremendously high registration or entry fees and additionally they get sponsored by the same companies like the “professionals” do. Well, I think with this achievement we can say: we fully hit the bull’s eye!9 month ago, the first barcamp in Germany was held. Nobody knew about that un-conferencing thing and the concept of it. The same progress happened with other networking and knowledge sharing events like webmontag, mobilemonday, plogbar, minibar, OpenCoffeeClub and all the meet-ups I don’t know about. They number of barcamps, which were already held exploded, now they take place all around the globe. I think the tipping point is reached – a very interesting book by Malcolm Gladwell by the way.

You really feel the need of people to network, the power of learning and sharing knowledge beside having a good informative time and a few beer together. Shit I missed the beer at barcampcologne2. So far – THE END for today!

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