Category: Allgemein, Diplomarbeit     Comments (0)    

FAROO & the English version of my diploma thesis abstract.

Since the results of my thesis got a panel on Barcamp Bangalore #4, I thought I should translate & upload the abstract in English as well. Furthermore FAROO is already mentioned in the top 100 list of alternative search engines in july. And at least FAROO is obviously just worth an entry in the English version of Wikipedia.



”Analysis of the growth of a decentralized Peer-to-Peer search engine index“

Nowadays, the internet serves as a source of information for a variety of researches. 90 percent of all internet user use search engines with their comprehensive and complex data gathering and crawling technique, data storing and search algorithms as the tool to accomplish the required information. All established search engines are based on the same technology which is called the client server principal.

Within this thesis a search engine with a different technology of data gathering and Data storing will be introduced and described. It focuses an analysis of the growth of a Peer-to-Peer search engine index against the amount of users and the time line.

The aptitude of the different novel and user centered crawling method to generate a decent search engine index will be examined. The innovation in that method is, that the generation of the index will be realized by the users themselves only while surfing and viewing website within a browser.

To prove the aptitude three hypotheses were formulated which can be proved and discussed by data out of a practical experiment as well as based on theoretical work in the first chapters. The conclusion out of the theory and empery will give an idea and insight to the required timeline, amount of user and the approximately reachable index size. This thesis doesn’t give exact numbers but enables the possibility to make assumptions for the target group as well as marketing measurements to build up a proper search engine community.

Tags: internet, search engine, peer-to-peer, p2p, index, index size, crawling technology, user centered, search behavior

The FAROO website provides you with some more information about its technique and functionalities. If there are any questions, please just put them in the forum, they will be definitely answered. Or you might find your answers within an interview of FAROO’s CEO by clicking on here.

If somebody is interested in details about the results just leave a comment and I will translate that part as well.

Category: Allgemein, Events     Comments (0)    

Review Barcamp B’lore #4

Barcamp Bangalore #4 (BcB4) was held at the IIM – Indian Institut of Management – great spot.
The first day was kind of confusing but I have not been in a good shape additionally I prefer just barcamping without collectiving. Although it is nice to involve people by providing biking and a photo collective. My favorite was the ‚unband collective‘. their panels gave us some relaxing time in between the panels.

these days are busy and I don’t find time to report on every session I saw. Nevertheless you should get the opportunity to see some pictures. Here you find some remarks at least for the 2nd day of barcamp.

Just created a Technorati account and they want me to claim this:

Category: Blog     Comments (0)    

Bangalore blogger meeting #2

Number TWO (this time we found the place) took place in a very nice location with delicious food and coffee. The amount of bloggers was almost exploding Brewhaha and stressed the stuff with the coffee, cappuccino, chai & iced coffee order for approximately 40 people.

We didn’t had a micro and the Indian blogger had lots and lots to talk, it was very hard to follow the entire event. But finally the person who had to say something had to sit in the middle. Click here to see some photos.

The top topic of the agenda was, finding topics which can be discussed on barcamp Bangalore #4 (BcB4)– blog widgets, creative commons licenses, how make blogs more attractive, … . The next idea was if so many people meet in their spare time to talk about blogging and according topics, they should just take that commitment and do something to improve Bangalore city similar to the platform Regardless if its some charity, sustainable or education support for kids. They will try to get some of the NGOs on board. Great idea! Lots of ideas came up though …

Category: Allgemein     Comments (1)    

Reviewing the bangalorian blogger meeting

Well, last Saturday Nimbu and me indeed tried to meet up with some bloggers from Bangalore. It was supposed to be at (Coffee Day – chain) on MG road. Upon that most Indians have a different feeling of time regarding fitting an appointment at a particular point of time; we were about 12-20 minutes behind the time. We got that coffee day and figured out a lot of people there but who is a blogger and who is not? We went creative; just draw a sing saying: “Looking for the blogger meet up!” (see below)

 obviously looking for bangalorian blogger

And showing it around. People seemed to be very interested they started asking: “What the heck are you guys looking for?” Though at least we got to opportunity to explain what a blog is and enabled us to talk a couple of sentences about blogging. ;-)

 The next day two friend of mine were contacting me: ”Well, how was the blog meeting? You know what I found the article in that newspaper reporting on the blogger meeting there is also a picture with it but why are you not on it?” If you started reading the article, I figured out why we didn’t meet up the blogger. The expected amount of people were double the size so that the location must been change before we arrived. But great now I know there are still Indian who count on time.

newspaper report

Looking forward to join the next bangalorian blogger meet-up on the 21st of July.

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BarCamp goes Bangalore

Fortunately I just found out about the blogger and barcamp scene here in Bangalore.

BarCamp Bangalore

It is on July 28 and 29, 2007 at Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore (IIMB). And it is already the 4th barcamp in Bangalore (BCB4). Hope it will not be to „techi“ oriented by all these internet information service companies hanging out in Bangalore. I am really looking forward to this event in that totally different culture.

On Saturday 07/07/07 and 21st/07/07 I will go to join a blogger meet up. They will prepare what migth be important to held a panel on for BCB4.

Blogger meet up in Bangalore

About a design will always be a fight ;-) (Sorry for that)

Category: Allgemein     Comments (1)    

bangalorians are twittering

At the moment twitter gains in importance here in Bangalore. Where as twitter seemed a bit useless when it came up, it now establishes it usage in different ways. First of all it’s a convenient and preiswertes web tool for keeping in touch with friends from the offshore site. To get a hint of what their business is right now. Second it is used for making appointments for evenings at the favorite restaurant ‘Only Place’ or let people now about a new upcoming event.

And in third place it is used by some bloggers see to announce e.g. ‘roof top movie festivals’. Well, what are you doing right now? Visit twitter and join. It is fun and let you look bussy with you cell.

Category: Allgemein     Comments (1)    


hey, ich bin in Bangalore angekommen und habe bereits bei Greynium Information Technologie angefangen. Hier werde habe ich die naechste fuenf  Monate Juni und July an einem online Travel Guide Projekt mit dem Namen mitgearbeitet.

Wer Interesse hat und wissen will wie es mir geht, der klickt einfach hier… .

Category: Allgemein     Comments (0)    

bit.fall – Wasserfall aus Worten

Eine gelungene Kunstinstallation mit dem Namen „bit.fall“ von Julius Popp verdeutlicht die Informationsflut im Internet, die Schnelllebigkeit der gerade im Internet aktuellen und neu auftauchenden Worte, Informationen und News sowie die Veränderung von Informationsbedürfnis­sen mit der Zeit. Die Installation ist ein Wasserfall der Buchstaben und Worte schreiben kann. Mit­hilfe eines Computerprogramms werden nach statistischen Regeln aktuelle Schlagworte von ver­schiedenen Nachrichtenwebseiten des Internets rausgefiltert. Diese liefern damit den Input für die Installation des Wasserfalls. Schaut selbst:

Category: Diplomarbeit     Comments (3)    

Hier nun meine Diplomarbeit


Untersuchung zum Wachstum eines verteilten Index einer Peer-to-Peer-Web-Suchmaschine

Das Internet ist heutzutage ein vielgenutztes Informationsmedium. Als Hilfsmittel zum Auffinden von Informationen dienen für 90 Prozent aller Internetuser Suchmaschinen, welche mit komplexen Datensammlungs- bzw. Crawling-, Abspeicherungs- und Suchalgorithmen arbeiten. Die etablierten Suchmaschinen basieren zumeist auf dem Client-Server-Prinzip. In dieser Diplomarbeit wird eine Suchmaschine, die auf einem Peer-to-Peer-Prinzip konzipierte wurde, mit ihrer divergierenden Art der Datensammlung und Datenabspeicherung vorgestellt. Im Fokus steht die Untersuchung zum Wachstum eines verteilten Index einer Peer-to-Peer-Web-Suchmaschine in Abhängigkeit von Userzahl und Zeit. Hier wird überprüft, ob sich das neuartige, userzentrierte Crawlingverfahren zur Generierung eines Index eignet. Die Neuerung bei diesem Verfahren besteht darin, dass der User die Funktion des Crawlers durch einfaches Aufrufen der Webseiten im Browser übernimmt.
Zur Überprüfung der Eignung werden drei Hypothesen formuliert, die anhand der durch einen Versuch erhobenen Daten sowie der theoretisch erarbeiteten Grundlagen geprüft und diskutiert werden. Die Erkenntnisse aus Theorie und Empirie geben Aufschluss über den Zeitraum, die Useranzahl und die zu erreichende Indexgröße. Sie liefern keine konkreten Zahlen, lassen jedoch Rückschlüsse für die Auswahl von Zielgruppe und Marketingmaßnahmen zum Aufbau einer Suchmaschinen-Community zu.

Schlagworte: Internet, Suchmaschine, Peer-to-Peer, P2P, Index, Indexgröße, Crawlingverfahren, userzentriert, Suchverhalten

Hier ist das ORIGINAL !!!

Category: Diplomarbeit     Comments (1)    

webtohuwabohu goes India and FAROO online…

… es ist soweit! mit großer Freude kann ich nun endlich über die Thematik meiner Diplomarbeit berichten. In meiner Arbeit habe Ich mich zum einen mit dem Internet, seinen Usern und der schirr unfassbaren Informationsflut auseinander gesetzt und zum anderen mit den Möglichkeiten dieser Informationsflut zu begegnen. Fakt ist, dass mehr als 90 Prozent aller Internetuser mithilfe von Web-Suchmaschinen die benötigten Informationen suchen und auffinden.


FAROO ist eine neue Suchmaschine die auf einem dezentralen Peer-to-Peer (P2P)-Netz basiert. Die Diplomarbeit zeigt verschiedene Suchmaschinentypen sowie deren grundlegende Funktionsweisen auf und erläutert die Basis und den Gedanke der sich hinter der P2P-Technologie verbirgt. Diese beiden Themen dienen als Grundlage um die grundlegende Funktion der P2P-Suchmaschine FAROO zu beschreiben. Fokussiert wird eine “Untersuchung zum Wachstum eines verteilen Index einer Peer-to-Peer (P2P) -Web-Suchmaschine”.

Nun ist die Webseite von FAROO für die Öffentlichkeit erreichbar und bald folgt auch die Möglichkeit als BetatesterIn an der userzentrierten Suchmaschine zu partizipieren ganz a la Web 2.0 Manier. Für mehr Infos zu FAROO schaut euch vorerst die Webseite oder den FAROO Blog an und faroot ein wenig! Mehr die Tage.

Derweil packe ich für Indien…

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